© Hufschmiedemuseum Helstorf

Hufschmiedemuseum Helstorf

Short facts

  • Neustadt am Rübenberge

The farrier's museum is the old village smithy of Helstorf

The smithy was in operation from 1889 to 1965 and is now a blacksmith museum.
On every third Sunday between April and October, blacksmiths demonstrate their craft and visitors can also try it themselves.

The neighbouring museum barnexhibits looms and spinning wheels, a farmer's kitchen, a cobbler's workshop, an old painter's workshop and a dugout canoe.



Walsroder Straße 16a

31535 Neustadt am Rübenberge - Helstorf


Phone: +49 5072 / 1417


Website: www.hufschmiedemuseum-helstorf.de

General information

Besichtigungen sind auch nach Vereinbarung möglich.
Termine entnehmen Sie bitte der Homepage: https://hufschmiedemuseum-helstorf.de/terminplan/
  • Bad Weather Offer
  • Suitable for any weather
  • for Groups
  • for Class
  • for familys
  • for individual guests
  • Suitable for the Elderly
  • for Children of the age of 3-6
  • for Children of the age of 6-10
  • for Children of the age of 10 upwards
linguistic proficiency
  • German
Payment Options
  • free of charge
Price info

Der Eintritt ist frei.

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An den Besichtigungstagen gibt es für die Besucher Kaffee und selbst gebackenen Kuchen sowie Bratwurst.

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